“La Limosna” by Horatio Sanguinetti, Julio Jaramillo, English translation of lyrics

“The Alms”
Songwriter: Horacio Sanguinetti (pen name of Horacio Basterra)
Style: Tango ballad about charity and poverty. An orphan on the streets tries unsuccessfully to beg outside of a rich party. Help fight hunger by donating to Feeding America or your local food bank.
Country: Uruguay (Horatio Sanguinetti); Ecuador (Julio Jaramillo)
Listen: This is an old song that has many renditions, including one from the prolific early-mid 20th century singer Julio Jaramillo (YouTube). Also sung by Jose Manuel Calderon, Juan Bautista, Juan José Guichandut (music composer), and others.

[Alternative lyrics are shown for the underlined text. The alternative shown is for Julio Jaramillo’s version.]


En la puerta de un palacio, un pobre niño mendigaba:
“¡Tengo hambre, tengo frío, tenga usted de mí, piedad!*”
[*underlined alt. piedad de mi!]
Era agosto, pleno invierno y la lluvia taladraba
A su débil cuerpecito que era carne de orfandad.

At the door of a palace, a poor boy begged:
“I am hungry, I am cold, have you for me, pity!*” [*underlined alt. pity for me!]
It was August, in the middle of winter and (with) the rain striking down
On his weak little body which was the flesh of orphanhood.

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“Amor, Amor de Mis Amores” by Agustín Lara, homage by Natalia Lafourcade, English translation

“Love, Love of My Loves” Lyrics for Different Versions
Lyrics Author: María Teresa Lara
Album, original: Noche de ronda (Night out), 1936
Album, cover: Mujer divina, homenaje a Agustín Lara (Divine woman, an homage to Agustín Lara), 2012
Style: Romantic, tango, indie. Romantic song to one’s true love.
Country: Mexico
Listen: Agustín Lara, Pedro Infante, Natalia Lafourcade

Translation of original lyrics (Agustín Lara & Pedro Infante version):

Poniendo la mano sobre el corazón,
Quisiera decirte al compás de un son
Que tú eres mi vida
Que no quiero a nadie,
Que respiro el aire, que respiro el aire,
Que respiras tú

Putting a hand over my heart,
I would like to tell you to the beat of a pleasant sound
That you are my life,
That I don’t want anyone else,
That I breathe the air, that I breathe the air,
That you breathe.

Continue reading ““Amor, Amor de Mis Amores” by Agustín Lara, homage by Natalia Lafourcade, English translation”

“Rondando Tu Esquina” by Enrique Cadícamo (sung by Julio Jaramillo), English translation of lyrics

“Scouting Your Corner”
Style: 1945 Tango
Countries: Argentina (Enrique), Ecuador (Julio)
Listen: Renditions by Julio Jaramillo at YouTube (my favorite) and Enrique Cadícamo at a tango site (original composer).


Esta noche tengo ganas de buscarla,
De borrar lo que ha pasado y perdonarla.

This night I feel the urge to search for her,
To erase what happened and forgive her.

Ya no me importa el qué dirán
Ni de las cosas que hablarán…
¡Total la gente siempre habla!

It does not matter to me anymore what they will say
Nor the things they will talk about…
People always talk anyway!

Continue reading ““Rondando Tu Esquina” by Enrique Cadícamo (sung by Julio Jaramillo), English translation of lyrics”