“Sin Cariño y Sin Amor” by Tania Libertad, English translation

“Without Affection and Without Love” Lyrics
Album: Momentos De Amor (Moments of Love), 2011
Style: Bolero about an ex who didn’t show affection or love, and wishing that destiny lets him feel that sadness also.
Country: Peru, Mexico
Listen: YouTube


¿Para qué vivir fingiendo
Si la vida es corta y, a veces, tan cruel?
¿Para qué seguir soñando
Con aquel cariño que ha de ser infiel

Why live pretending
If life is short and, sometimes, so cruel?
Why keep dreaming
About that sweetheart who has to be unfaithful?

Continue reading ““Sin Cariño y Sin Amor” by Tania Libertad, English translation”

“Cuando Llora Mi Guitarra” by Augusto Polo Campo, Julio Jaramillo, English translation

“When My Guitar Weeps”
Composer: Augusto Polo Campos
Album: El Ruiseñor de América (Julio Jaramillo), 1962
Style: Early 20th century pasillo
Country: Peru
Listen: YouTube has renditions by Los MorochucosJulio Jaramillo (my favorite), Tania Libertad, Eva Ayllon, Juan Diego Florez, and more.


Cansado de llamarte,
Con mi alma destrozada,
Comprendo que no vienes porque no quiere Dios.

Tired of calling you,
With my spirit shattered,
I understand that you do not come because God does not wish it.

Continue reading ““Cuando Llora Mi Guitarra” by Augusto Polo Campo, Julio Jaramillo, English translation”