“La Limosna” by Horatio Sanguinetti, Julio Jaramillo, English translation of lyrics

“The Alms”
Songwriter: Horacio Sanguinetti (pen name of Horacio Basterra)
Style: Tango ballad about charity and poverty. An orphan on the streets tries unsuccessfully to beg outside of a rich party. Help fight hunger by donating to Feeding America or your local food bank.
Country: Uruguay (Horatio Sanguinetti); Ecuador (Julio Jaramillo)
Listen: This is an old song that has many renditions, including one from the prolific early-mid 20th century singer Julio Jaramillo (YouTube). Also sung by Jose Manuel Calderon, Juan Bautista, Juan José Guichandut (music composer), and others.

[Alternative lyrics are shown for the underlined text. The alternative shown is for Julio Jaramillo’s version.]


En la puerta de un palacio, un pobre niño mendigaba:
“¡Tengo hambre, tengo frío, tenga usted de mí, piedad!*”
[*underlined alt. piedad de mi!]
Era agosto, pleno invierno y la lluvia taladraba
A su débil cuerpecito que era carne de orfandad.

At the door of a palace, a poor boy begged:
“I am hungry, I am cold, have you for me, pity!*” [*underlined alt. pity for me!]
It was August, in the middle of winter and (with) the rain striking down
On his weak little body which was the flesh of orphanhood.

Continue reading ““La Limosna” by Horatio Sanguinetti, Julio Jaramillo, English translation of lyrics”

“Amor Profundo” by Julio Jaramillo, English translation of lyrics

“Profound Love” Lyrics
Style: Vals (Waltz)
Country: Ecuador
Listen: YouTube, Amazon


Yo no creí
Que al cabo de los años
Fuera a encontrar
Un amor como el tuyo.

I did not believe
That after all these years
I would find
A love like yours.

Continue reading ““Amor Profundo” by Julio Jaramillo, English translation of lyrics”

“Te Esperaré” by Julio Jaramillo, English translation of lyrics

“I Will Wait For You” Lyrics
Pasillo, vals (waltz), unrequited love song
: Ecuador
Listen: YouTube, Amazon


Te esperaré.
Sé que me quieres
Y yo seré tu adoración.
En mi recuerdo, grabado estará tu nombre.
Toda la vida, te esperaré y serás mi gran amor.

Continue reading ““Te Esperaré” by Julio Jaramillo, English translation of lyrics”