“A Tu Lado” by Bobby Pulido, English translation of lyrics

“By Your Side” Lyrics
Album: Siempre Pensando en Ti (Always Thinking of You), 2001
Style: Country, romantic song telling a lover that they are your best friend, that life is good with them, and that you want to be with them forever.
Country: Mexico
Listen: YouTube


Cuando estoy a tu lado
Se detiene todo el tiempo,
Me entretengo con tus besos,
Despiertas mis sentimientos.

When I am by your side
All time stops,
I get distracted with your kisses,
You wake up my emotions.

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“Ojalá Te Animes” by Bobby Pulido, English translation of intro and lyrics

“Hopefully You Dare”
Album: Vive (Live), 2005
Style: Ranchera about pulling a crush out of their shyness to start a relationship.
Country: USA (Texas), with Mexican slang
Listen: YouTube



Oye comp’re, hay una güerita que – no, hombre – me está cayendo, ‘ira. Aqui dentro del corazón.

-¿A poco? ¿En serio? Pues conquístala.

-Pero pues ¿cómo le hago?

-Flores, chocolates a veces.

M’no, pues yo andaba pensando más una serenata.

-¿Una serenata?

Una serenata.

-¡Pero tú no cantas!

-¡Pero TÚ sí!

[Intro translation]

-Hey compadre, there’s this blonde girl who – no, man – she catching on me, look. Here inside my heart.

-Really? Serious? Well, get her!

-But then, how do I do it?

-Flowers, chocolate sometimes.

-Uh no, see I was thinking more a serenade.

-A serenade?

-A serenade.

-But you don’t sing!

-But YOU do!

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“Desvelado” by Bobby Pulido, English translation of lyrics

AlbumPuro Tejano Gold (Pure Texan Gold), 2008
Style: Texan ranchera with a very slight cumbia influence. Bobby Pulido is a Mexican-American singer. This song is about unrequited and unknown love. The poor guy falls in love with a voice he heard on the radio. Listen to his sleepless tale below.
Country: USA (Texas)
Listen: YouTube


Será fe que yo encontré… una voz de ternura
Que me llena de placer, cuando la oigo hablar.
Con ella me enamoré, aunque nunca la conoci.
Sueño en su querer y en sus brazos quiero dormir.

It must be fate that I found… a tender voice
Who fills me with pleasure, when I hear it speak.
I fell in love with her, even though I never met her.
I dream about her love and I want to sleep in her arms.

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