“De Todas Las Flores” by Natalia Lafourcade, English translation and meaning

“Of All the Flowers” Lyrics
Album: De Todas Las Flores (Of All the Flowers), 2022
Style: Jazzy, folk, piano and string. Song reminiscing about a happy romance that ended.
Country: Mexico
Listen: YouTube


De todas las flores que sembramos
Solo quedan unas encendidas.
Cada mañana se preguntan
Cuándo llegarás para cantarles.

Of all the flowers that we sowed
Only a few remain aflare.
Every morning they ask themselves
When will you come to sing to them.

Continue reading ““De Todas Las Flores” by Natalia Lafourcade, English translation and meaning”

“Una Vida Buena” by Kany García, English translation of lyrics

“A Good Life” Lyrics
Album: Una Vida Buena (A Good Life), 2023
Style: Pop/rock. Aspirational song about wanting to leave a bad marriage and live a good life, without the awfulness of current life.
Country: Puerto Rico
Listen: YouTube


Me desperté cansada,
Cansada de vivir en una vida que no me da nada.
Tan triste, aburrida, deprimida, pero con más ganas
De hacer una maleta y mandar todo pa’ la chingada.

I woke up tired,
Tired of living in a life that gives me nothing.
So sad, tired, depressed, but with a stronger urge
To pack a bag and leave everything to hell.

Continue reading ““Una Vida Buena” by Kany García, English translation of lyrics”

“No Habrá Nadie En El Mundo” by Concha Buika, English translation and meaning

“There Will Be No One in the World” Lyrics
Album: Niña de Fuego (Girl of Fire), 2008. Nominated for “Album of the Year” in the 2008 Latin Grammy Awards.
Style: Pop, jazz, tropical music. Song about a heartbreak.
Country: Spain
Listen: YouTube


Desde que el agua es libre,
Libre entre manantiales vive.
Jazmines han llora’o y yo no comprendo
Cómo en tus ojos, niña, solo hay desierto.

Since the water was free,
Free among running springs, it lives.
Jasmines have cried and and I don’t understand
How in your eyes, girl, there is only a desert.

Continue reading ““No Habrá Nadie En El Mundo” by Concha Buika, English translation and meaning”

“Ni Me Debes, Ni Te Debo” by Carin León and Camilo, English translation of lyrics

“You Don’t Owe Me, Nor I You” Lyrics
Album: Comillo De Leche (Milk Fang), 2023
Style: Northern Mexican regional pop about a mutual breakup. Sad but accepting and not angry.
Country: Mexico, Colombia
Listen: YouTube


Tengo que irme porque me siento muy triste,
Aquí no hay nada, esta historia se acabó.

I have to leave because I feel so sad,
There is nothing here, this story has ended.

Te dejo libre,

Fuiste tú la que perdiste.
No es tan sencillo encontrarse

Un gran amor.

I leave you free,
It was you who lost.
It isn’t so easy to find oneself
A great love.

Continue reading ““Ni Me Debes, Ni Te Debo” by Carin León and Camilo, English translation of lyrics”

“Sin Cariño y Sin Amor” by Tania Libertad, English translation

“Without Affection and Without Love” Lyrics
Album: Momentos De Amor (Moments of Love), 2011
Style: Bolero about an ex who didn’t show affection or love, and wishing that destiny lets him feel that sadness also.
Country: Peru, Mexico
Listen: YouTube


¿Para qué vivir fingiendo
Si la vida es corta y, a veces, tan cruel?
¿Para qué seguir soñando
Con aquel cariño que ha de ser infiel

Why live pretending
If life is short and, sometimes, so cruel?
Why keep dreaming
About that sweetheart who has to be unfaithful?

Continue reading ““Sin Cariño y Sin Amor” by Tania Libertad, English translation”

“Si Tú Me Quisieras” by Mon Laferte, English translation

“If You Loved Me” Lyrics
Album: Mon Laferte Vol.1, 2015
Style: Pop rock, ballad. Post-breakup song about fighting to forget the other person, and also being upset that things would be fine if the other person just loved them.
Country: Mexico
Listen: YouTube [song begins at 0:48]


Me despedí, pero te mentí,
No me quería alejar.

Disimulé, me aguanté,
Pero es que ya no puedo más.

I said my farewell, but I lied,
I didn’t want to distance myself.
I pretended, I bore it,
But it’s just that I can’t take it anymore.

Continue reading ““Si Tú Me Quisieras” by Mon Laferte, English translation”

“Ya No Vuelvas” by Lupita Infante, English translation

“Don’t Return Anymore” Lyrics
Album: Amor Como en las Películas de Antes (Love Like in the Old Movies), 2023
Style: Ranchera about a heartbroken woman at a bar, singing to her no good ex that he should not seek her out again. Lupita Infante is the granddaughter of famous Mexican performers Pedro Infante and Lupita Torrentera.
Country: USA (Los Angeles, CA); Mexico
Listen: YouTube


Sirvanme otra pa’ olvidarlo
Porque aqui lo traigo adentro
Y de mi quiero arrancarlo.

Serve me another to forget him
Because I carry him here inside me
And from inside me I want to tear him out.

Continue reading ““Ya No Vuelvas” by Lupita Infante, English translation”

“La Ingrata” by Café Tacvba, cover by La Santa Cecilia and Mon Laferte, English translation of lyrics

“Ingrate” Lyrics
Albums: Re, 1994; Amar y Vivir (To Love and To Live), 2017
Style: Original version is a mix of a Mexican corrido norteño and grunge rock. The cover song starts as a ballad and becomes a tango. Song to an “ungrateful” ex-lover who keeps coming back and causing pain. Warning: violent end.
Countries: Mexico City (Café Tacvba); USA, Mexico, Chile (La Santa Cecilia and Mon Laferte)
Listen: Café Tacvba (original); Duet by La Santa Cecilia and Mon Laferte (cover)


No me digas que me quieres,
No me digas que me adoras,
Que me amas,
Que me extrañas,
Que ya no te creo nada

Don’t tell me that you care for me,
Don’t tell me that you adore me,
That you love me,
That you miss me,
For I no longer believe anything you say.

Continue reading ““La Ingrata” by Café Tacvba, cover by La Santa Cecilia and Mon Laferte, English translation of lyrics”

“Estos Celos” by Vicente Fernández, English translation of lyrics

“This Jealousy” Lyrics
Album: Para Siempre (Forever), 2007
Style: Orchestral ranchera, mariachi, regional Mexican from Jalisco
Country: Mexico
Listen: YouTube


Te miré,
Estabas tan bonita,
Tan sensual,
Te imaginé ajena y me hizo mal.

I saw you,
You were so pretty,
So sensual,
I imagined you a stranger and it made me ill.

Continue reading ““Estos Celos” by Vicente Fernández, English translation of lyrics”

“Como Quien Pierde Una Estrella” by Alejandro Fernández, English translation of lyrics

“Like How One Loses a Star” Lyrics
Album: Que Seas Muy Feliz (May You Be Very Happy), 1995
Style: Wailing prayer and mourning after the loss of a lover (likely by break up), with orchestral mariachi.
Country: Mexico
Listen: YouTube


Te quiero,
Lo digo como un lamento,
Como un quejido que el viento
Se lleva por donde quiera.

I love you,
I say it like a lament,
Like a howl that the wind
Takes away wherever it goes.

Continue reading ““Como Quien Pierde Una Estrella” by Alejandro Fernández, English translation of lyrics”

“Sueño Con Ella” by Concha Buika, English translation of lyrics

“I Dream of Her” Lyrics
Album: In My Skin (In My Skin), 2011; La Noche Más Larga (The Longest Night), 2013
Style: Piano jazz, dreaming and reminiscing about a lost relationship
Country: Spain
Listen: YouTube


Frente a las olas del mar y bajo las estrellas,
Yo… sueño con ella, yo sueño con ella.

Before the waves of the sea and below the stars,
I… dream of her, I dream of her.

Continue reading ““Sueño Con Ella” by Concha Buika, English translation of lyrics”

“La Derrota” by Vicente Fernández, English translation of lyrics

“The Great Fall” Lyrics
Album: Para Siempre (Forever), 2007
Style: Ranchera about the downfall of a relationship after infidelity, and the regret afterward.
Country: Mexico
Listen: YouTube


¡Ay, ay, ay, ja, ja, ja!

Por darle rienda suelta a mis antojos,
Por no tener conciencia del abismo,
Por eso ayer hice llorar sus ojos,
Y hoy mis ojos también hacen lo mismo.

For giving my whims free reign,
For not being aware of the abyss,
For that yesterday I made her eyes cry,
And today my eyes also do the same.

Continue reading ““La Derrota” by Vicente Fernández, English translation of lyrics”